Membre de la SCNAT

L'organisation faîtière des anthropologues en Suisse représente les intérêts de la discipline vis-à-vis du public et des autorités. Ses membres sont principalement des experts à vocation scientifique.

Image : LoveIsAFastSong,

Open Data and Data Management - Issues and Challenges

SCNAT Workshop for Swiss stakeholders


10:00 - 17:00

Lieu de l'événement

Kaserne Bern
Papiermühlestrasse 15

The SCNAT is organizing this one day event in Bern, with the aim to give the research community the chance to raise their concern and also the SNF and the European Commission to present their view and to inform about recent trends. The workshop should provide recommendations on how to implement the open data requirements.

Open Data

In recent years a number of changes in scientific research took place, under the umbrella of the ‘open science’ label. Open access has essentially been introduced, and researchers from the sciences took the lead when introducing the preprint arXiv many years ago. Many researchers followed the path of open source by making their simulation codes publicly available. Presently the introduction of open data (and open data management plans) are on the horizon (or already introduced) by many European Funding Agencies.

However, the concept of ‘Open Data’ is also widely debated. While in certain fields the full disclosure of research data is suitable and straightforward, and happens thus naturally, in others it can become a burden and possibly affect research productivity. Its implementation leads to the following questions:

‚Can data of very diverse fields, from biology, chemistry, pharmacy, physics, geology, meteorology, material science, particle physics, mathematics, astronomy, etc. be treated in the same way?
‚How should one deal with data that are subject to competition with research groups from other (non-European) countries where other rules are in place?
‚What kind/level of data products must be disclosed?
‚How large is the effort to disclose the data in a useful way and are there enough resources?

  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Panel discussion
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Christophe Rossel
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Matthias Egger
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Joël Mesot
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Florian Altermatt
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Marcel Mayor
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Nicolas Thomas
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Ana Sesartic Petrus
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Angelika Kalt
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Panel discussionImage : Marcel Falk1/9
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Christophe RosselImage : Marcel Falk2/9
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Matthias EggerImage : Marcel Falk3/9
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Joël MesotImage : Marcel Falk4/9
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Florian AltermattImage : Marcel Falk5/9
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Marcel MayorImage : Marcel Falk6/9
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Nicolas ThomasImage : Marcel Falk7/9
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Ana Sesartic PetrusImage : Marcel Falk8/9
  • Open Data Workshop 2018: Angelika KaltImage : Marcel Falk9/9

Sujets correspondants

Star as a symbol for ratings and assessments

Beyond impact factor, h-Index and university rankings: Evaluate science in more meaningful ways

The conference aims to: • Highlight the limitations of metrics in capturing scientific quality and the resulting pressure on the quality of scientific output; • Present assessment approaches - San

Image : Photocase
Minutes of the Workshop on Open Data and Data Management 2018

Open Data and Data Management – Issues and Challenges

Organised by the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), the one-day workshop on Open Data and Data Management gathered around 120 participants on Monday, 29 October 2018 in Berne. Globally, it

Image : Platform MAP / SCNAT


  • Analyse des données
  • Collecte des données
  • Open Science
  • Politique scientifique

Deadline for registration: 14.10.2018

No conference fee.
Lunch and coffee breaks are offered by the
Swiss Academy of Sciences
Langues : Anglais