Workshop "Forensische Anthropologie in der Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich – Herausforderungen und Chancen" 2024 in Hamburg
The Workshop took place at the Institute of Legal Medicine, Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and was kindly organized by PD Dr. Eilin Jopp-van Well.
Image : SGA
Report of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2023 in Zürich
The 2023 Annual Meeting and Workshop of the SGA/SSA took place at the Irchel Campus of University of Zurich and was kindly organized by Dr. Martin Häusler and his team.
Image : SGA/SSA
Report of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2022 in Basel
The 2022 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Anthropologie (SGA/SSA) took place at the Natural History Museum in Basel and was kindly organized by Dr. Sandra Pichler from the Integrative Prehistory and Archaeological Science at the University of Basel and Dr. Gerard Hotz from the aforementioned Natural History Museum.
Image : SGA/SSA
Report of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2021 in Chur
On Friday, 26 November 2021, the Swiss Society of Anthropology conducted a workshop with the topic "Diachrone Trends in der Anthropologie" ("Diachronic Trends in Anthropology"), followed by the annual meeting and presentations on the next day. Due to the Covid certificate requirement and wearing of masks, it was possible to hold the meeting and workshop in presence. Both took place in the Loësaal in Chur (GR) and were hosted and organised in collaboration with the Archäologischer Dienst Graubünden (ADG, Archaeological Service of Grisons).
Image : SGA/SSA
Report of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2020 online
On 28 November 2020, the Swiss Society of Anthropology hold its Annual General Assembly remotely
Image : AGA/SSA
Report of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2019 in Basel
This year, the Annual Workshop and Meeting of the Swiss Society for Anthropology (SGA/SSA) took place between the 15th and 16th November 2019 at the Natural History Museum in Basel.
Image : SGA/SSA
Report of the SGA/SSA Workshop and Annual Meeting 2018 in Lausanne and Bern
On Saturday, October 6th, this year’s annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Anthropology (SGA) took place at the Unitobler in Bern. On Friday, october 5th, the workshop "Imaging in Anthropology" was organized at the CURML in Lausanne.
Report of the SGA/SSA Workshop and Annual Meeting 2017 in Zurich
On Saturday, November 25th, this year’s annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Anthropology (SGA) took place at the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine at the University of Zurich. On Friday, November 24th, the SGA and the AGHAS (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Historische Anthropologie der Schweiz) had organized a workshop about “teeth” at the same place.

Report of the SGA/SSA Annual Meeting 2016 in Basel
The Annual Meeting of the SGA/SSA was a great success. The day started with the business meeting with important agenda items (including amendments of the statutes). After the business meeting Dr. George McGlynn from Munich, Germany presented the excavation of the graveyard from the psychiatric hospital in Hall, Tirol. The day continued with further presentations, including preliminary results of new excavation sites, analyses on mummies, research of the findings from a Neolithic Dolmen and many many more. Find out more about the Annual Meeting in the report.