Membre de la SCNAT

L'organisation faîtière des anthropologues en Suisse représente les intérêts de la discipline vis-à-vis du public et des autorités. Ses membres sont principalement des experts à vocation scientifique.

Image : LoveIsAFastSong,

Rigi-Workshop 2012

How to improve animal experimentation: From A to Z

Lieu de l'événement

Rigi Kulm

Performing an animal experiment requires competencies in many fields as animal experimentation is at the crossroad of life sciences, human & veterinary medicine, cutting edge technologies, biostatistics, database mining, 3Rs, ethics and legislation. The aim of the workshop was to help young scientists to perform animal experimentation from planning to data evaluation and reporting.

Rigi-Workshop 2012

PD Dr. Beat Riederer, University of Lausanne

The three-day workshop took place at the Rigi Kulm Hotel from January 22 to 24, 2012 and brought together a total of 33 PhD students and Post-Docs from different fields of biology as well as physics, chemistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine.

At the beginning of the workshop the students were informed about the homework they had to do by working in groups during the next two days. The task was to come up with an experimental design that uses an animal model to test the scientific question whether nutrition may influence Alzheimer pathology. The workshop then started with short oral presentations by all participants, allowing to get familiar with projects and to get to know each other. During the subsequent poster session each participant presented his/her poster with either an outline of planned experiments, or results of his/her project. The following two days the program was composed of different talks from specialists, group works and discussions. The covered topics and discussions were:

What to do prior to planning experiments?
How to search literature and get the most out of it?
Legal and ethical aspects to consider when applying a request for animal experiments
Statistical considerations
Transgenic animals as research models
Advantages and disadvantages of biological models
Writing a paper, what needs to be mentioned and why?

During the free time on Monday afternoon, everyone could take advantage of the special surroundings on the top of mount Rigi, unfortunately a “little bit cloudy”.
The workshop was successfully closed with the presentations of the research projects developed by the working groups and with awarding the best oral presentation as well as the best poster.

Invited speakers:

Marlies Leenaars and Alice Tillema, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Marcel Gyger, EPF Lausanne
Bernard Baertschi, University of Geneva
Michael F.W. Festing, Understanding Animal Research, UK
Friedrich Beermann, EPF Lausanne
François Rochat, University of Fribourg
Beat Riederer, University of Lausanne

  • rigi 2012 participants (Plattform Biologie)
  • rigi 2012 2 poster (Plattform Biologie)
  • rigi 2012 3 view (Plattform Biologie)
  • rigi 2012 4 (Plattform Biologie)
  • rigi 2012 5 (Plattform Biologie)
  • rigi 2012 6 preoblem session (Plattform Biologie)
  • rigi 2012 7 presentation (Plattform Biologie)
  • rigi 2012 8 poster (Plattform Biologie)
  • rigi 2012 participants (Plattform Biologie)1/8
  • rigi 2012 2 poster (Plattform Biologie)2/8
  • rigi 2012 3 view (Plattform Biologie)3/8
  • rigi 2012 4 (Plattform Biologie)4/8
  • rigi 2012 5 (Plattform Biologie)5/8
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  • rigi 2012 7 presentation (Plattform Biologie)7/8
  • rigi 2012 8 poster (Plattform Biologie)8/8


  • Expérimentation animale
Langues : Anglais