Annual general meeting of the SGA/SSA (2020/2021)
November 28, 2020: Virtual annual meeting (10.00-11.30h). Presentation by Kaspar Staub after the annual meeting.

After careful consideration and evaluation of all information related to the COVID-19 pandemic the SSA board has made the decision to postpone the workshop and the scientific meeting originally planned for the 27th/28th of November 2020.
The virtual annual general meeting including a presentation will take place the 28th of November 2020. The new dates are as follows:
November 28, 2020: Virtual annual meeting (10.00-11.30h). Presentation by Kaspar Staub after the annual meeting.
Mai 7, 2021: Online scientific meeting between 13-17h. The workshop might take place in November.
Deadline for registration and abstract submission: 15th of April. Abstracts will be published in the Bulletin. Presentations should take 15 minutes (including a short discussion).
For registration please contact Martin Häusler:
There will be a student prize for presentations (200.-). A minimum of three student abstract submissions are required for the prize to be attributed. Please inform the committee if you would like to apply for the student prize. The language of the presentation can be freely selected. However, we encourage the participants to present in English.
We thank you for your understanding and your support and we are looking forward to meeting all of you soon.