Member of SCNAT

The umbrella organisation of anthropologists in Switzerland represents the interests of the discipline to the general public and the authorities. Its members are mainly composed of experts with a focus on natural science.

Image: LoveIsAFastSong,

Biodiversity damaging subsidies in Switzerland

The Confederation, the cantons and the municipalities have for many years financed measures to promote biodiversity in Switzerland. Despite this, biodiversity is in a critical state. One major reason for this is the large number of public subsidies and perverse financial incentives which promote activities that can cause severe damage to biodiversity. The Federal Council's Swiss Biodiversity Strategy aims to identify the negative effects of such measures and to abolish, gradually dismantle or redesign the harmful subsidies. The study presented here identifies 162 subsidies harmful to biodiversity and makes recommendations on how they can be abolished or reconfigured.

Gubler L, Ismail SA, Seidl I (2020) Biodiversity damaging subsidies in Switzerland

Standard identifier: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3935675

Source: Gubler L, Ismail SA, Seidl I (2020) Biodiversity damaging subsidies in Switzerland Swiss Academies Factsheet 15 (7)

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