Internship at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology
In archaeology, museum didactics or PR/marketing.
Image: Südtiroler ArchäologiemuseumGreenhouse Research Studentships
Two PhD positions, University of Dundee (Scotland). Application deadline: 17. June 2024.
Image: University of DundeePhD position in biological anthropology
Palevoprim, Université de Poitiers, France. Application Deadline: 28. May 2024.
Image: Université de PoitiersPhD position: “Forens-OMICS” on biological fluids for time since deposition estimation in forensic contexts
University of Central Lancashire, (partially) funded. Application deadline: 31. March 2024.
Image: University of Central Lancashire10 vacant PhD positions with the ArCHe project
The Doctoral network ArCHe now offers ten attractive PhD-positions in the fields of archaeology, archaeobiology, biology, social anthropology, cultural heritage studies, coastal engineering, geography or geology. The positions are hosted by six beneficiaries in five countries: Norway, Sweden, Latvia, France and Spain. Application Deadline: 4. February 2024.
Image: ArCHe