Member of SCNAT

The umbrella organisation of anthropologists in Switzerland represents the interests of the discipline to the general public and the authorities. Its members are mainly composed of experts with a focus on natural science.

Image: LoveIsAFastSong,

12th International Congress of the Society for Anthropology (GfA)


Geislingen a. d. Steige, Germany

HOMO HOMINI LUPUS? -Between conflict and cooperation-

Pflanzen (Symbolbild)
Image: northlightimages,

„Against each Other“ and „Together“ – these are the extremes of a highly variable continuum of behaviour. Both strategies are deeply rooted in human evolution and adaptation, both in terms of biology and culture.

Anthropology, bringing together approaches from the bio-, social- and cultural sciences to form a broad perspective on spatial and temporal variability, greatly contributes to understanding human behaviour between conflict and cooperation.

The 12th International Meeting of the Society of Anthropology focuses on this prominent socio-political topic. Case studies and theories from archaeological, forensic and historical research will complement the biological and ethological framework.


  • Anthropology
Languages: English, German