Rigi Workshop 2018: Networks and interactions - from species to communities
Rigi Workshop - where disciplines meet
From January 21 to 23, 2018 a group of PhD and MSc students and postdocs met at Hotel Rigi Kulm to interact, network and cross disciplinary boarders.

The participants who attended the Rigi workshop 2018 had different backgrounds, including ecology, microbiology, material science, cultural anthropology while their common research focus was on interactions and networks. During the five experts from different research fields and disciplines provided keynotes:
- The Web of Life: a database approach to characterize the structure and dynamics of ecological networks Dr. Miguel Fortuna, University of Zurich
- Mutualistic interactions: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Prof. Dr. Christoph Scheidegger, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
- Complex networks of human und non-human elements in cultural anthropology PD Dr. Ina Dietzsch, University of Basel
- Host-parasite interactions Prof. Dr. Daniel Croll, University of Neuchâtel
- Coevolving networks: a computational approach to explore the role of coevolution in shaping biodiversity Dr. Miguel Fortuna, University of Zurich
The participants integrated the inputs of the experts and their own knowledge in a group work. They thought about network and interaction concepts, developed models, formalized them and finally interpreted and presented the results. Additionally, all participants presented their own research projects during a poster session. This was the ideal opportunity to discuss the projects with other students and with experts form different disciplines.
Christoph Scheidegger (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL)
Pia Stieger (Swiss Academy of Sciences)
Past Rigi Workshops
- Rigi Workshop 2024: Exploring Epigenetics
- Rigi Workshop 2023: Infectious diseases as drivers of change
- Rigi Workshop 2022: Cell Biology of Infection
- Rigi Workshop 2020: Ecosystems under pressure - Agriculture, forestry and conservation under global change
- Rigi Workshop 2018: Networks and interactions - from species to communities
- Big answers from small packages: systems and synthetic biology of microbes
- Rigi-Workshop 2015
- Rigi-Workshop 2013
- Rigi-Workshop 2012
- Rigi-Workshop 2011