Rigi Workshop 2023: Infectious diseases as drivers of change
Infectious diseases as drivers of change: a scientific and historical perspective on past, present, and future.
The 3-days workshop took place at Rigi-Kulm from 29th to 31st of January 2023, with 30 PhD-students, Post-docs and even one Master Student. The 8 different speakers covered many aspects of infectious diseases, from history, to biology and technology offering new perspectives for the young researchers.

Infectious diseases (IDs) have shaped societies throughout the history of humanity. Their impact goes beyond the immediate loss of lives and livelihoods, to include major shifts in economy, demographics, labor policy, and social construction. The bubonic plague that swept through Europe several times from the 14th century, or the IDs brought by European colonizers that decimated the First Nations in the Americas (16-17th centuries) are two examples of many such events. Their destructive nature is often followed by profound changes, leading to innovations in science, technology and society, which may not have been possible without an ID-driven shock, thus illustrating the duality of epidemics and pandemics.
The Rigi workshop 2023 invited participants with various backgrounds on an interdisciplinary journey to explore the significance of IDs as drivers of change. They used primary source to explore how historical documents are significant to explore old epidemics, they explored and criticized papers related to ancient pathogens or the use of historical data and, during the last workhop, they had to face different scenarii where important decisions had to be make to counter emerging diseases.
- Prof. Dr. Daniel Bausch, FIND Geneva
Outbreak Response: From Colonialism to the Emerging Global Architecture - Prof. Dr. Flurin Condrau, University of Zürich
Why History of Medicine ? - Dr. Leander Diener, Univerity of Zurich
How to see the big picture: the role of medical history during a pandemic - Prof. Dr. Johannes Krause, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
The genetic history of the plague and the origin of the Black Death - Prof. Dr. Verena Schünemann, University of Zurich and University of Vienna
Ancient DNA and pathogens: tracing disease through time - PD Dr. Kaspar Staub, University of Zurich
Connecting the past and present of infectious diseases: An interdisciplinary and quantitative approach via epidemiology, health history and digital humanities - Dr. Danelle van Zyl-Hermann, University of Basel
Global Health in historical perspective: The past in the present? - Prof. Dr. Jing Wang, ETH Zurich
Understanding airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Prof. Dr. Carmen Faso, SSTMP, University of Bern,
Dr. Lucienne Tritten, SSTMP, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute,
Prof. Dr. Hubert Steinke, SSHMN, University of Bern,
Prof. Dr. Flurin Condrau, SSHMN, University of Zurich,
Prof. Dr. Pilar Junier, SSM, University of Neuchâtel,
Prof. Dr. Pascal Mäser, LS2, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute,
Caroline Reymond, SCNAT, Platform Biology
Past Rigi Workshops
- Rigi Workshop 2024: Exploring Epigenetics
- Rigi Workshop 2023: Infectious diseases as drivers of change
- Rigi Workshop 2022: Cell Biology of Infection
- Rigi Workshop 2020: Ecosystems under pressure - Agriculture, forestry and conservation under global change
- Rigi Workshop 2018: Networks and interactions - from species to communities
- Big answers from small packages: systems and synthetic biology of microbes
- Rigi-Workshop 2015
- Rigi-Workshop 2013
- Rigi-Workshop 2012
- Rigi-Workshop 2011
Caroline Reymond
Piattaforma di Biologia
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