Mitglied der SCNAT

Der Dachverband der Anthropologinnen und Anthropologen der Schweiz vertritt die Interessen des Fachs gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit und den Behörden. Seine Mitglieder setzen sich vorwiegend aus naturwissenschaftlich orientierten Fachleuten zusammen.

Bild: LoveIsAFastSong,

Science on Stage Festival 2024: a great success for Switzerland

The 13th European Science on Stage Festival closes its doors with a big success for the Swiss delegation. Half the projects it presented won awards.

Swiss delegation in Turku, Festival Science on Stage 2024
Bild: Sylvia Bach, Science on Stage Switzerland

From 12 to 15 August 2024, the Science on Stage Festival was held in Turku, Finland. 250 science teaching projects prepared by teachers from 35 mainly European countries were presented at the festival. Four projects were part of the Swiss delegation. Two of these projects were selected by an international jury:

Felix and Reto Speerli received one of the seven prizes for the best projects ("European STEM Teacher Award") at the festival with their Ötzi project.

Delphine Schumacher and Grégory Chatton's 'Simple machine' received a "Highly commended project" mention alongside four other projects.

Congratulations to the winners! The Swiss delegation was very proud of its delegates.

  • Award Felix and Reto Speerli, Festival Science on Stage
  • Mention, Schumacher and Chatton, Festival Science on Stage
  • Festival Science on Stage 2024, Felix and Reto Speerli
  • Schumacher and Chatton, Festival Science on Stage
  • Award Felix and Reto Speerli, Festival Science on StageBild: Anne Jacob, Science on Stage Switzerland1/4
  • Mention, Schumacher and Chatton, Festival Science on StageBild: Anne Jacob, Science on Stage Switzerland2/4
  • Festival Science on Stage 2024, Felix and Reto SpeerliBild: Anne Jacob, Science on Stage Switzerland3/4
  • Schumacher and Chatton, Festival Science on StageBild: Anne Jacob, Science on Stage Switzerland4/4


  • Primarschule
  • Sekundarschule I
  • Sekundarschule II


Dr Anne Jacob
Kommission für Nachwuchsförderung
Haus der Akademien
3001 Bern